BCA Wellness: Living Medicine

BCA Wellness: Living Medicine is a line of self-care products and services that encourages, supports, and empowers you to nourish yourself in your everyday life.

BCA Wellness provides the tools, knowledge and the wisdom needed for you to move away from needing medicine, towards living medicine.

Be well, and live medicine everyday with BCA Wellness products & services! Available to view and for purchase at the BCA clinic.


Healing Feng Shui

Feng Shui is Chinese medicine for space, just as Acupuncture and Herbs are Chinese medicine for the body. Healthy people create harmonious spaces to live in. Likewise, any disharmony will demonstrate itself in all areas of life, including one’s space, body, and relationships.

Daniel uses Feng Shui as a diagnostic tool, and offers small, easy, yet profound shifts to one’s space towards health and healing.

BCA patients receive 30% off all Healing Feng Shui prices.