Thuy's Musings on Healing

We're still in Hibernation

Winter is a time of resting and returning, a time of quiet and sleep, moving slowly and nourishing deeply.

The New Year arrives in winter, when the Earth is incubating, quiet and still. Frozen in some places. Naked trees, wetness, cold. Night stretches her arms further into the morning while she pulls up her darkness and twinkling toes even before the first smells of dinner. Plants and animals are slowing down and going inward, lying dormant, hibernating and conserving energy until warmth returns. Can you feel winter?

In our modern world, it’s hard to feel deep into winter--to touch the silence through the noise. Winter beckons us to slow down as the Earth does. Be still, go deep. Travel into our darkness and re-evaluate, re-consider and re-member who we are. It’s a valuable time to reconnect to Nature by reconnecting to ourselves and to reconnect to ourselves by reconnecting to Nature.

Nature is the Creator and Sustainer of life on Earth, some four billion years old. There is infinite and incomprehensible wisdom in Her. Our bodies, grown and nurtured from the Earth - food and water, air and light - are responsive to the Earth. Our bodies are Nature herself. We are Nature and so when winter comes, we are winter.

Seasons are not just happening outside of us, they are happening inside of us as well. When cold comes, where is it? When dark comes, where is it? The extra layer we put on, the extra hour  we wish to sleep, the extra helping of lasagna that calls to us is winter happening inside us. The deep reflections on life and death, the melancholia and memory of departed ones, the dimming of lights and the urge to curl up in a corner with a book is winter happening inside us.

I have patients who come to me during this season worried about how they feel. They tell me they want to stay in bed all day, they don’t want to hit the gym, they want to sleep, they feel slow and sluggish. They tell me they feel melancholy and brooding. They want me to fix it. They want to be energetic, motivated, light and bright. But I can’t fix winter. I tell them maybe it’s ok to take it slow. Maybe it’s okay to stay with the dark. Maybe it’s okay to go to bed early. Maybe it’s okay to think about things deeply. Maybe what we feel is a healthy connection with Nature and maybe it’s good to respect that feeling rather than to try to override it.

We can respect winter’s cold and dark by respecting our own body’s desire for warmth and rest.  We can respect winter’s quiet by giving room for our own quiet contemplation. We can respect Nature’s unconditional and untiring support of us by supporting and nourishing our own bodies, the Earth and one another. In this way, we learn how to live with Nature and we can learn how to live as Nature.

Seasons reflect time. Not linear, but divinely circular. With activity comes rest. Winter is a time of resting and returning, a time of quiet and sleep, moving slowly and nourishing deeply.

Winter is a time for careful contemplation, not linear but poetic, like dreaming. To meditate with our entire being our oneness with Nature and to reconnect with the wisdom of existence. Then when Spring comes, we will naturally emerge to meet the warmth and we can blossom as Spring.

In Health and Community, 

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Journey Back to New Mexico

Just like Love, Medicine is a force.

Deep medicine is almost always unexpected. It shakes you from your expectations and desire to control. It asks you to surrender the things that may have made you sick to begin with. To surrender doubt, fear and limited notions of self and others.

Last month, I found myself in New Mexico, the place I received Native medicine a year ago. It was a medicine that cured me of my persistent belief in my sense of separation. Since then, I can barely remember what it was like to have believed that I am separate and alone, like trying to remember the feeling of believing in Santa Claus.

This time, I returned to support a friend with an advanced cancer diagnosis. Along with her daughter, we arrived to New Mexico in search of deep medicine and healing. At midday, we were summoned to the ceremony. The medicine man and his wife arrived in overalls, dusty from working in the fields. He explained they were busy and could only fit us between moving cattle and running errands. I was taken aback. The container I expected was something akin to my last journey--a blanket of ancient darkness, a community of medicine holders, instruments, food, formal dress, ritual. By comparison, this seemed more like a hasty lunch break.

I felt my doubt and concern rise up. I glanced over at my friend, wondering how she was taking everything in. We had been informed that each ceremony was unique and tailored to the needs of the patient, but this was so far from the experience I had described to my friend-- literally and figuratively  the difference between night and day.

The sun was shining and the wind was blowing hard. We held on to our skirts as we entered the hogan. After we settled down into our seats, the medicine man began to speak. I could feel a change in my awareness, as if I’d stepped through a portal to another dimension. A healing dimension that is always accessible, but can only be summoned by one who understands its power and who inhabits it with reverence and sincerity. The dimension of Sacred present time, Nature, Truth, Love and the honoring of invisible Forces.

In that Sacred place, I experienced the unraveling of my friend’s story. The medicine man helped her search for the right thread to tug on so the story of the cancer was revealed and laid bare, a thread that connected her ancestors, her mother, her daughter and herself. Sitting next to her daughter, I could feel the power of the medicine man’s words enter her and leave her through tears--connecting dots, turning on lights, affirming and supporting. I felt his words reach back to my own stories of my own life and realized deep medicine connects all of us in healing.

I know enough about Medicine to know it comes in many different forms. But until then, I didn’t really understand Medicine is not a form. Just like Love, Medicine is a force. And like Love, the best response to such a force is to take it in and let it nourish us. The form that the force of medicine takes reflects the culture. In a society that is disconnected from Nature, from Spirit, from Femininity, from Ancestors, medicine will be disconnected, sterile, aggressive, perfunctory and robotic. In a culture that honors all of Life, Nature and the Feminine, Medicine will call upon these powerful forces to reconnect us to Wholeness in a seemingly mysterious way.


In Health and Community, 

thuy sign.png

You are a miracle!

As for me, I know nothing else but miracles
— Walt Whitman

Do you know what a miracle you are? What a phenomenally sophisticated apparatus your sentient being is? Your ability to translate these squiggles into something meaningful involves a highly complex orchestration of brain activity. And the extracted meaning affects your entire body - producing chemical reactions, sensations, emotions, activating memories and connecting thoughts. As you read this your body intelligence is aware of your surrounding environment, filtering out the unimportant while keeping partial attention to what is relevant. Your body continues its ceaseless functions, digesting foods, pumping blood, breathing, regulating your body temperature and filtering out toxins. Your body is doing all these things and sending feedback back to your brain, guiding with messages about how to care for

Perhaps you’ve forgotten or did you never realize what a miracle you are? I hear how you talk about yourself when you come see me. You don’t like how your body feels or how it looks and you are struggling to get to some remembered or imagined state of being. In that struggle, you have left yourself and can no longer hear the messages from your body. You just want your body to behave, but you don’t realize what you view as “misbehavior” are compassionate, intelligent messages sent from you... to you.

Maybe you’ve forgotten the language that your body uses to communicate with you. The language that we translate as pain and pleasure. These are intelligent communications. Pain, discomfort and agitation signals us to change our situation and move towards ease. Are you uncomfortable? Is there strain on your wrists, back, shoulders? Maybe you need a pillow, a drink of water, a walk or a nap. Are you distracted? Is your head or heart moving towards conflict at work or the bleak state of the nation or the endless things on your list you feel incapable of completing? Maybe you need to sit still and listen to what your heart is telling you. Cry, ask for help, let something go, apologize. Pain and discomfort are not punishments. They nudge us to feel for another direction, urging us to find the places with more space and ease. And this miraculous guidance never leaves you, gets louder if needed and guides you back to yourself!

Likewise, pleasure, joy, ease and delight are also messengers. Are you sitting with a warm cup of tea right now? Was breakfast nourishing? Did you get a hug from your child today? Can you feel the warm sun on your face? Did a compliment make you smile? Did you enjoy listening to music? Then do more of these things, but more importantly, take them in when they are happening. Let them soak into the core of your being. Don’t deflect or overlook them. These pleasures are ambrosia for the miracle that is you. But don’t mistake the pleasure for the miracle or you might create pain chasing after those small moments.

The miracle is that you feel pain or pleasure at all, that your guidance works ceaselessly and effortlessly.  Whatever you are doing. your entire being is automatically operating in an incomprehensible and divinely complex way. When you remember, understand, accept this, you won’t reflexively run away from pain or towards pleasure. You will naturally respond to the language of your body with sensitivity and respect. You will move towards ease and joy. What an amazing miracle you are!

In Health and Community, 

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